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JNLP 101

Some things that are not directly related to the Webstart Maven Plugin but can help you make good use of it.

Recommended work directory layout

Mostly taken from JnlpDownloadServlet guide.

launch.jnlp (may require variable expansion)
lib.jar (lib)

Configuring your webapp to use JnlpDownloadServlet

The JnlpDownloadServlet JAR file is provided with the Java 5.0 distribution in the examples directory.

The JnlpDownloadServlet offers some advantages:

  • $$codebase, $$context and $$name tokens in your JNLP file are replaced with values that represent where your JNLP file is hosted. This allows you to deploy your web application anywhere without modification. The relevant paths will be worked out at runtime.
  • If you have chosen to provide Pack200 format compressed files, JnlpDownloadServlet will decide if the webstart client that the user has chosen can handle the compressed format. If the client is compatible, the JnlpDownloadServlet will route requests for JAR files to the appropriate compressed file. This may improve the download time of your application.

To use the JnlpDownloadServlet you must declare a dependency on it in the webapp's pom.xml and you must make modifications to your webapp's web.xml file.

Here is an example of a web.xml with the JnlpDownladServlet enabled. All requests to files ending in .jnlp are routed through the download servlet. More information and examples are availabe in the JnlpDownloadServlet's documentation.

<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">



Note: The dependency described below is to be placed in the webapp's pom.xml. This has nothing to do with the webstart project's pom.xml, unless using the jnlp-download-servlet goal, in which case the plugin is configured in the webapp's project.

Unfortunately, the JnlpDownloadServlet's JAR file is not yet available in the central Maven repository. Until the licensing issues are worked out, you'll need to keep a copy of the JAR file in your own remote repository or install the package in your local repository. Here's the command for performing the second option:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=%JAVA_HOME%\sample\jnlp\servlet\jnlp-servlet.jar \ -DartifactId=jnlp-servlet -Dversion=5.0 \
-Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true

And the corresponding dependency definition:

      Sun's JnlpDownladServlet takes the template JNLP file and inserts
      relevant values for $$codebase and other parameters

How to detect the codebase from the Web Start application using the JNLP API

Code by Geoffrey De Smet.

   * Uses the JNLP API to determine the webapp context.
   * If used outside of webstart, <code>fallBackWebAppContextUrl</code> is returned.
   * For example this could return <code>http://localhost:8080/mywebapp/</code>.
   * @return the url to the webapp ending with a slash
  public String getWebAppContextUrl()
    String webAppContextUrl;
      BasicService basicService =
          (BasicService) ServiceManager.lookup( "javax.jnlp.BasicService" );
      String codeBase = basicService.getCodeBase().toExternalForm();
      if ( !codeBase.endsWith( "/" ) )
        codeBase += "/";
      int webAppContextUrlLength =
      webAppContextUrl = codeBase.substring( 0, webAppContextUrlLength + 1 );
    } catch ( UnavailableServiceException e ) {
      // TODO logging
      webAppContextUrl = fallBackWebAppContextUrl;
    return webAppContextUrl;

Pack200 signing explained

If you choose to produce Pack200 files as part of your build, there is an additional processing overhead. This section explains what's going on.

Pack200 doesn't just compress your JAR files, it actually modifies the class files, stripping out everything but the bare essentials. Because of these modifications, any digital signature that is applied before the packing takes place will be invalidated.

Before a digital signature is applied Pack200 must be allowed to carry out its aggressive class file modifications. This is achieved by packing and unpacking the JAR file with the Pack200 utility. The result is a JAR with modified class files ready to be signed.

The goal then signs this pre-prepared JAR and verifies the signature.

The Pack200 packing process is applied again to produce the final downloadable Pack200 file.

As an optional step, to make sure that everything has gone well, it is recommended that the final Pack200 file is unpacked one final time and the signature verified on the resulting JAR file. This just makes sure that the final packing process hasn't made any further modifications to the file that have invalidated the digital signature. This is an unlikely event and this extra optional check is not yet implemented as part of the plugin.