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Example WAR Bundle #2

  • Place each of your webstart app in a particular project
  • Use Webstart Plugin as shown above to generate and install the zip in the local repository
  • Generate your webapp using a project with war packaging
  • Use a project to combine the WAR + n zip files


jnlp-project1/pom.xml - pom or jar packaging. Uses Webstart Plugin to package the generated files into a zip
jnlp-project2/pom.xml - pom or jar packaging. Uses Webstart Plugin to package the generated files into another zip
webapp/pom.xml        - war packaging. Creates a WAR file.
webapp-bundle/pom.xml - pom packaging. Uses user defined assembly to combines the jnlp-project* resulting zip and the WAR into its own WAR.

In webapp-bundle:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <name>Project Full WebApp</name>
  <description>Webapp + Webstart Clients</description>




    <dependency> <!-- required to support MNG-1274 -->


            <phase>verify</phase> <!-- FIXME should be package, but inifinte loop see MNG-1311 -->


    <!--dependencySet> NOT YET IN CENTRAL REPOSITORY