JAX-WS Maven Plugin
This plugin contains Maven adapter for JAX-WS's toolset.
The original code was developed in the Codehaus Mojo project, then as of March 2007, the project moved to jax-ws-commons with version 1.x in org.codehaus.mojo groupId and version 2.x in org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons groupId.
In September 2015, for version 2.4, it went back to MojoHaus (the new home of Codehaus Mojo) in org.codehaus.mojo groupId.
Instructions on how to use the JAX-WS Maven Plugin can be found here.
Goals Overview
- jaxws:wsimport: generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS clients and services. The tool reads a WSDL and generates all the required artifacts for web service development, deployment, and invocation.
- jaxws:wsimport-test: same as jaxws:wsimport but for tests.
- jaxws:wsgen: reads a service endpoint implementation class and generates all of the portable artifacts for a JAX-WS web service.
- jaxws:wsgen-test: same as jaxws:wsgen but for tests.