Note: These examples are valid for the 2.x version of the plugin, and do not necessarily work for the jaxb2-maven-plugin version 1.x
These basic examples show how to generate Java code from JAXB using the jaxb2-maven-plugin, and highlight the use of some of the plugin’s common configuration options.
This plugin runs the XJC binding compiler from the JAXB distribution, and integrates XJC’s configuration properties into a Maven project. The plugin will delegate all JAXB-related work to its JAXB implementation dependencies. The actual JAXB dependencies used when compiling the plugin will also be collected and listed when the plugin is run in debug mode.
Due to the construction of the Java platform the JAXB API used is the one defined by the platform. This means that the used JAXB API version will be the endorsed one of the JDK, regardless of what is specified in the plugin (or its dependencies). You may override the endorsed API outside of Maven and this plugin, but that is typically viewed as advanced usage. A better option is to align the version of the compiled code with the requirement on the JAXB runtime environment of the generated code.
The plugin will process all XSD files found within the schema directory, and create Java source code in the given package (com.example.myschema) as defined by the packageName configuration parameter. The required JAXB runtime version of the generated code will be the same as the plugin’s JAXB implementation dependency (see the target parameter).
<project> ... <dependencies> <!-- You need the JAXB API to be able to annotate your classes. However, starting with Java 6 that API is included in the Java SE platform so there is no need to declare a dependency. --> ... </dependencies> ... <build> <pluginManagement> <plugins> <!-- If we e.g. execute on JDK 1.7, we should compile for Java 7 to get the same (or higher) JAXB API version as used during the xjc execution. --> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <source>1.7</source> <target>1.7</target> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb2-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${project.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>xjc</id> <goals> <goal>xjc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <!-- The package of your generated sources --> <packageName>com.example.myschema</packageName> </configuration> </plugin> ... </plugins> <build> ... </project>
So you want to use JAXB on JDK 1.6? You would then need to configure the jaxb2-maven-plugin for a Java 6+ project, which implies two separate configuration properties:
The project can now be built with JDK 1.6.
<project> ... <build> <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <source>1.6</source> <target>1.6</target> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb2-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${project.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>xjc</id> <goals> <goal>xjc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <target>2.1</target> ... </configuration> </plugin> ... </plugins> <build> ... </project>
Normally, you would use XML Schema Definitions as the standard type of JAXB source. However, other standards can be used as source type provided that the configuration parameter sourceType is assigned one of the existing values of the org.codehaus.mojo.jaxb2.javageneration.SourceContentType enum. In the example below, the source files contain Document Type Descriptions instead of XML Schema, and they are placed within the src/main/dtd directory.
Note that the sourceType configuration parameter is case sensitive for matching the enum values. Refer to the plugin’s JavaDoc to see all possible values.
<plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb2-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${project.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>xjc</id> <goals> <goal>xjc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <!-- Set the package of the generated code --> <packageName>com.example.myschema</packageName> <!-- Indicate that we should use DTD input instead of XSDs --> <sourceType>dtd</sourceType> <!-- Define the directory where we should find the DTD files --> <sources> <source>src/main/dtd</source> </sources> </configuration> </plugin>
By default, the jaxb2-maven-plugin examines the directory src/main/xsd for XML schema files which should be used by JAXB to create Java source code (and src/test/xsd for test XSD sources). If you would like to place your XSD somewhere else, you need to define source elements as shown in the configuration below. The paths given are interpreted relative to the basedir property, which is set to reference the maven project directory.
Files found (using a recursive search) within the sources elements are read and used by the XJC tool only if they are not matched by any xjcSourceExcludeFilters. Therefore, the configuration below should include src/main/some/other/xsds/aFile.txt as an XSD source, but exclude src/main/some/other/xsds/thisIsASource.xsd due to the pattern definition <pattern>\.xsd</pattern>. (For a full explanation of filters, please refer to the Filters documentation).
<plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb2-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${project.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>xjc</id> <goals> <goal>xjc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <!-- Include the sources from 3 locations: 1) a directory (including recursively finding all files in it) 2) an explicitly named file 3) a non-existent path, which is silently ignored --> <sources> <source>src/main/some/other/xsds</source> <source>src/main/foo/gnat.xsd</source> <source>src/main/a/nonexistent/path</source> </sources> <!-- When providing xjcSourceExcludeFilters, the default exclude Filter definitions are overridden by the Patterns supplied. Any filter whose path ends with any of the Java Regular Expression Patterns supplied will be excluded from the XJC sources. In this example, files found under any of the source directories will be excluded from XJC processing if their full paths end with '.xsd' or '.foo' --> <xjcSourceExcludeFilters> <filter implementation="org.codehaus.mojo.jaxb2.shared.filters.pattern.PatternFileFilter"> <patterns> <pattern>\.xsd</pattern> <pattern>\.foo</pattern> </patterns> </filter> </xjcSourceExcludeFilters> <!-- Package name of the generated sources. --> <packageName>se.west</packageName> <!-- Copy all source XSDs into the generate artifact. Place them at the supplied xsdPathWithinArtifact, that is within the given directory. --> <xsdPathWithinArtifact>source/xsds</xsdPathWithinArtifact> </configuration> </plugin>
In the case of having multiple XML schema files which should be processed with different configuration, you need to have multiple plugin execution bindings. One execution binding per unique configuration, as shown in the snippet below:
<plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb2-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${project.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>xjc-schema1</id> <goals> <goal>xjc</goal> </goals> <configuration> <!-- Use all XSDs under the west directory for sources here. --> <sources> <source>src/main/xsds/west</source> </sources> <!-- Package name of the generated sources. --> <packageName>se.west</packageName> </configuration> </execution> <execution> <id>xjc-schema2</id> <goals> <goal>xjc</goal> </goals> <configuration> <!-- Use all XSDs under the east directory for sources here. --> <sources> <source>src/main/xsds/east</source> </sources> <!-- Package name of the generated sources. --> <packageName>se.east</packageName> <!-- Don't clear the output directory before generating the sources. Clearing the output directory removes the se.west schema from above. --> <clearOutputDir>false</clearOutputDir> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin>
By default, the XjcMojo searches directory src/main/xjb (and the XjcTestMojo searches src/test/xjb) for external XML schema generation binding files. Such files are used to control many aspects of the Java generation from XSD files; please refer to the JAXB Reference Implementation for full details. However, a small XJB file is found below.
<jxb:bindings version="1.0" xmlns:jxb="" xmlns:xsd=""> <!-- Change since version 2.0 of the j-m-p: Note that the schemaLocation path must point to the XSD file relative to *this* file, rather than the basedir. --> <jxb:bindings schemaLocation="../xsd/address.xsd" node="//xsd:schema"> <jxb:schemaBindings> <jxb:package name="com.example.myschema"/> </jxb:schemaBindings> </jxb:bindings> </jxb:bindings>
The JXB file above defines the package of the generated Java source code found in the XSD file ../xsd/address.xsd, relative to the JXB file above. This implies that each JXB file must contain a path to the XSD files they tailor. Each file found under within the JXB source directories is considered a JXB file, unless it is excluded by means of an xjbExcludeFilter. A sample xjbExcludeFilter is found below; any file matching an xjbExcludeFilter is not used as a binding file in the XJC compilation, implying that any file found within the standard XJB directory/directories are not used if it ends with .txt or .xsd:
<configuration> ... <xjbExcludeFilters> <filter implementation="org.codehaus.mojo.jaxb2.shared.filters.pattern.PatternFileFilter"> <patterns> <pattern>\.txt</pattern> <pattern>\.xsd</pattern> </patterns> </filter> </xjbExcludeFilters> ... </configuration>
Just like the XJC source files, you can change the directories where the XjcMojo searches for binding files by using the xjbSources configuration parameter. Each xjbSource element can be a relative path to a directory (in which case all its files are searched and included recursively) or explicit files:
<configuration> ... <xjbSources> <xjbSource>src/dataexchange/special/aBindingConfiguration.xjb</xjbSource> <xjbSource>src/dataexchange/xjbs</xjbSource> </xjbSources> ... </configuration>
If you are curious about the exact java regexp patterns used for matching your files, or simply want to see what the jaxb2-maven-plugin does internally, run the plugin in debug mode by adding the -X switch. The debug log contains somewhat human-friendly log entries which contains the XJC arguments synthesized by the jaxb2-maven-plugin and supplied in order:
+=================== [11 XJC Arguments] | | [0]: -xmlschema | [1]: -encoding | [2]: UTF-8 | [3]: -p | [4]: com.example.myschema | [5]: -d | [6]: /Users/lj/Development/Projects/Codehaus/github_jaxb2_plugin/target/it/xjc-main/target/generated-sources/jaxb | [7]: -extension | [8]: -episode | [9]: /Users/lj/Development/Projects/Codehaus/github_jaxb2_plugin/target/it/xjc-main/target/generated-sources/jaxb/META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode | [10]: src/main/xsd/address.xsd | +=================== [End 11 XJC Arguments]
If you would like to run XJC manually in the same way as the jaxb2-maven-plugin runs the tool, simply paste the arguments given in the debug listing into a shell (separate with spaces).
The debug log also shows the configuration and result of the configured PatternFileFilters; as shown in the listing below, two PatternFileFilters containing 3 java regular expression patterns each are applied to the files found below the standard directory src/main/xsd. The listing shows the java regexps in use, and the resulting file after removing all files identified by the two PatternFileFilters:
+=================== [Filtered sources] | | 2 Exclude patterns: | [1/2]: Filter [PatternFileFilter] | Processes nulls: [false] | Accept on match: [true] | 3 regularExpressions ... | [0/3]: (\p{javaLetterOrDigit}|\p{Punct})+README.* | [1/3]: (\p{javaLetterOrDigit}|\p{Punct})+\.xml | [2/3]: (\p{javaLetterOrDigit}|\p{Punct})+\.txt | [2/2]: Filter [PatternFileFilter] | Processes nulls: [false] | Accept on match: [true] | 1 regularExpressions ... | [0/1]: (\p{javaLetterOrDigit}|\p{Punct})+\.xjb | | 1 Standard Directories: | [1/1]: src/main/xsd | | 1 Results: | [1/1]: file:/Users/lj/Development/Projects/Codehaus/github_jaxb2_plugin/target/it/xjc-main/src/main/xsd/address.xsd | +=================== [End Filtered sources]
Also, the jaxb2-maven-plugin debug log contains debug log statements emitted from the underlying tools themselves (SchemaGen or XJC). These statements may be formatted in somewhat strange ways, but starts with the name of the tool encased in brackets. As illustrated below, the XJC tool emitted debug statements, one of which is from the allowExternalAccess method indicating that the property http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalSchema is supported and successfully set:
[DEBUG] Using explicitly configured encoding [UTF-8] [DEBUG] [XJC]: feb 03, 2015 3:39:32 EM com.sun.xml.bind.v2.util.XmlFactory createSchemaFactory FINE: SchemaFactory instance: [DEBUG] [XJC]: feb 03, 2015 3:39:32 EM com.sun.xml.bind.v2.util.XmlFactory allowExternalAccess FINE: Property "http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalSchema" is supported and has been successfully set by used JAXP implementation.
Yes … you get the timestamp for free …
If you require the XJC tool to be executed with a default Locale other than your standard default Locale, simply use the locale configuration parameter and supply a string parseable to a Locale on the form <language>[,<country>[,<variant>]]. For example, to generate the XJC using french locale despite running Maven with another Locale, configure the jaxb2-maven-plugin as follows:
<plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb2-maven-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <id>xjc</id> <goals> <goal>xjc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <packageName>com.example.myschema</packageName> <addGeneratedAnnotation>true</addGeneratedAnnotation> <locale>fr</locale> </configuration> </plugin>
The generated source code will contain french comments:
/** * <p>Classe Java pour AddressType complex type. * * <p>Le fragment de schéma suivant indique le contenu attendu figurant dans cette classe. * * <pre> * <complexType name="AddressType"> * <complexContent> * <restriction base="{}anyType"> * <sequence> * <element name="Name" type="{}string"/> * <element name="Line1" type="{}string"/> * <element name="Line2" type="{}string"/> * <element name="City" type="{}string"/> * <element name="State" type="{}string"/> * <element name="ZipCode" type="{}decimal"/> * </sequence> * </restriction> * </complexContent> * </complexType> * </pre> * * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "AddressType", propOrder = { "name", "line1", "line2", "city", "state", "zipCode" }) @Generated(value = "", date = "2015-07-12T08:33:24+02:00", comments = "JAXB RI v2.2.11") public class AddressType { .... }