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This plugin weaves AspectJ aspects into your classes using the AspectJ compiler ("ajc"). There are typically two ways to package and use aspects in your Maven reactors; either as a standalone project where aspects and code are defined within the same Maven project - or as part of a multi-module Maven reactor where one/some project(s) contains aspects and other projects within the Maven reactor contain code using the aspects ("woven by the aspects").

Below follows a standard single-project usage example.

              <goal>compile</goal>       <!-- use this goal to weave all your main classes -->
              <goal>test-compile</goal>  <!-- use this goal to weave all your test classes -->

Upgrading AspectJ

The frequency of releases of this plugin is lower than of AspectJ. If you want to use a different version of AspectJ than 1.9.7, you also need to upgrade the aspectjtools within the plugin.

    <aspectj.version>1.7.n</aspectj.version> <!-- specify your version -->
