
Java Daemon based on Java Service Wrapper

The following shows how to generate start scripts to make an application run as a Linux daemon.

The setup is based on Java Service Wrapper (JSW) version 3.2.3, using the version 3.2.3.

With org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperSimpleApp

This is the simplest configuration according to JSW documentation, which invokes a main method on start, and kills the VM on stop. Here is an example usage:

                  <!-- the next line is added by default if you don't have wrapperMainClass's setting -->

With org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperStartStopApp

                  <!-- the next line is added by default if you dont have wrapperMainClass's setting -->

With org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperListener

The below example assumes you have a main class that implements org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperListener interface.

      <!-- this must match with the actual JSW runtime distribution, the scope must set as provided since this plugin already add wrapper.jar into the classpath -->

With org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp

The below example assumes you are using org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperJarApp to start your app, and your current project has main class configured via its manifest.


Using the generated scripts

  • All dependencies and the artifact itself are placed in target/generated-resources/appassembler/jsw/app1/lib directory.
  • The JSW bin scripts are placed in the target/generated-resources/appassembler/jsw/app1/bin directory.
  • The JSW configuration file is placed in the target/generated-resources/appassembler/jsw/app1/conf directory.
$ mvn package

$ chmod +x target/generated-resources/appassembler/jsw/app1/bin/app1

$ chmod +x target/generated-resources/appassembler/jsw/app1/bin/wrapper-linux-x86-32

$ target/generated-resources/appassembler/jsw/app1/bin/app1 start

$ ps -ef | grep java
(to check that it is running)

$ target/generated-resources/appassembler/jsw/app1/bin/app1 stop

Add application specific shutdown code, when the WrapperSimpleApp is used

  • The JSW default stop script use the "kill" command. Use a shutdown hook to override this behaviour with application specific shutdown code.

    E.g. add something like the following to your Main method:

    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(){
        public void run() {
            log.debug("Shutdown hook was invoked. Shutting down App1.");
            App1JmxStopper appJmxStopper = new App1JmxStopper();